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Dental Treatment with Sedation

Sedation is used to induce a sleepy state in patients, helping them relax and calm down during dental procedures. The patient remains conscious, but may not remember the procedure. Sedating the patient alleviates fears and anxieties.

Many surgical procedures can be performed using local anesthesia, but sedation is recommended for patients who prefer not to be aware during the surgery. The patient remains cooperative with the dentist throughout the surgical procedure. This is not general anesthesia and can be administered in a dental office without the need for a hospital or operating room.

The patient can follow commands given by the dentist. Dialogue between the patient and dentist is possible. When the dentist instructs the patient to open their mouth, the patient can easily comply. Due to the effects of the medication post-operation, the patient will not remember the dental treatment, pain, unpleasant noises, etc., avoiding psychological trauma.

This condition facilitates the patient’s return for subsequent dental treatments and surgical procedures.

There are no known side effects. About half an hour after the procedure, the patient is fit to go home. It is advised not to drive, avoid strenuous activities requiring attention, and to rest.

Note: The information and recommendations on this page are for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatments. For more detailed information about the process and treatments, you can contact our WhatsApp line for before and after visuals!