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Cosmetic Dentistry (Restorative Dentistry)

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that includes all treatments aimed at achieving a better smile inside the mouth.

Cosmetic dentistry aims to achieve a healthy and aesthetic appearance of teeth using various treatments.

Aesthetics is the branch of science that examines beauty and the nature of fine arts. Aesthetic perception is defined as the reactions a person shows to the external world with the terms ‘beautiful’ and ‘ugly’.

We know that beauty and attractiveness are relative and vary from person to person, society to society, and even from era to era. However, the only constant factor is the golden ratio.

Teeth are the most important and complementary element of facial aesthetics. When the golden ratio is achieved in teeth, aesthetic smile design is completed after necessary interventions with other factors.

Why are Cosmetic Dental Treatments Preferred?

Dental aesthetics are determined according to the physical and social characteristics of the patient. Therefore, they are custom designs that vary from person to person. After evaluating the patient’s mouth, jaw, and facial structure, a natural and ideal image is digitally designed. The resulting digital smile design mockup is presented to the patient, and a joint decision is made to start treatment. The cosmetic dentist applies cosmetic dental treatments tailored to the patient’s oral and dental health. Cosmetic dental treatments are planned individually.

What are the Dental Treatments Applied in Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Zirconium Dental Treatment
  • Inlay / Onlay Fillings
  • Empress Dental Treatment
  • Porcelain Lamina Treatment
  • Cosmetic Fillings
  • Bonding Treatment
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Implant
  • Gum Aesthetics
  • Smile Design
  • Orthodontics

When is Cosmetic Dental Treatment Applied?

  • Malocclusions corrected with orthodontics
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Gum problems and level irregularities
  • Incompatibility between teeth and lips/cheeks
  • Broken or misaligned teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Treatment of missing and spaced teeth

How is Cosmetic Dental Treatment Planned?

Before transitioning to aesthetic solutions, a general oral and dental examination is conducted, and suitable digital treatment content is presented to the patient according to their request.

Pink Aesthetics (Gingivoplasty)

An aesthetic smile cannot be achieved with just white and straight teeth. The gums must also be harmonious with these teeth. Aesthetic treatments performed on the gums are called pink aesthetics. Among the elements that complement dental aesthetics, the health, color, and level of the gums relative to the teeth come to mind.

Teeth Whitening Treatment

It can be applied to patients whose tooth color is naturally dark or has become so. To perform the treatment, the patient should not have gum problems (gum inflammation, receding gums), and there should be no wear on the neck (collar) area of the teeth. Therefore, patients to be whitened are first subjected to a detailed examination, and necessary treatments are performed.

Types of Whitening

1- Home (take-home) type: A custom tray is prepared for the mouth according to the measurement taken from the mouth. The special gel given to the patient by the dentist is applied at specified intervals.

2- Office (clinic) type: It is performed in the clinic after isolating the gums, with a special gel applied to the teeth activated by a light device.

Laminate Veneer

Laminate veneer treatment, also known as leaf porcelain, holds an important place among cosmetic dentistry applications. Superior aesthetic results can be achieved with minimal intervention on the teeth. Only the front surface of the teeth is shaved. Laminate veneers, which are almost as thin as a lens, are adapted to the tooth through bondings. They ensure that your teeth reach the desired shape and color. They do not allow staining and food retention due to being polished in porcelain ovens at approximately 900 degrees. To extend their lifespan, avoid hard foods and bad habits like nail biting.


Zirconium teeth are preferred by dentists and patients due to their durability as well as aesthetics. Zirconium is a substructure material used to support porcelain.

Porcelain Fillings (Inlay-Onlay)

Ceramic fillings are a type of filling made of partial porcelain or composite or porcelain reinforced in the laboratory that complements the missing parts of the teeth that occur due to factors such as decay, root canal treatment, or trauma. They show much more harmony with the applied tooth than composite fillings.

Composite Laminate (Bonding)

Bonding is a procedure that does not harm the teeth and is performed to correct minor problems on the teeth.

An attempt is made to contribute to smile aesthetics by giving a better appearance to the teeth.

Sometimes teeth may be excessively large or small. The color may not be as desired. In such cases, giving a new appearance to the tooth with small additions to the tooth is possible with bonding